Saturday, April 04, 2009


April 2009: Putting 'it' Out There
March 2009: Knitting two pieces of collarbone into one
February 2009: Entertaining Beth
January 2009: Anthroposophical Conference Adelaide

December 2008: Ironman Western Australia and more
November 2008: Life Balance
October 2008: Getting fitter for fun
Sepember 2008: Loving what is
August 2008: Enjoying the USA
July 2008: Living in the Present
June 2008: Getting to the end of the financial year
May 2008: Dignity through Struggle
April 2008: grace and humility
March 2008: Exploring Australia by Train!
February 2008: To find the best swimming spot in Australia

September 2007: To find the off switch for my mind