Friday, July 23, 2004

WHERE ... is Dunstan ... working?

I work for a company called Numberworks which provides after-school maths tuition for pupils.

Check out

I'm the manager of the Pennant Hills Numberworks centre which is close to Hornsby, towards the North of Sydney.

Its a 40 minute train journey to work so I take Nemone (my iBook) and catch up on my emails etc. I work from 2pm til 8pm so that means I have plenty of time in the morning to do my training.

Our pupils range in age from Kindergarten to Year 12 (up to 18 years old). They work on our computer maths programs under the guidance of one of our tutors for an hour per week. When I arrive I catch up on paperwork and get everything ready for the first pupils, who arrive at 4pm.

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