Thursday, March 02, 2006

February Birthdays

Well 3 of the 9 of us on my course happened to have birthdays within 4 days of each other so Zohar, Evan and Myself shared a cake!

... and then there were the parties...

Myself and Josh had a joint BBQ in Centennial Park and managed to find some fairly subtle (not!) fabrics for our togas. People made a great effort, Phil maintained his near-perfect record for party attendence and the bottle walking brought out a competitive streak in many!

The following week was Claire's 'Moulin Rouge' themed party at 'Slide'. Another great night where people made a real effort with outfits, although the sight of a 6ft drag queen was somewhat disturbing, especially to me!

Here are a couple of photos. Emma has provided her ususal excellent service of publishing them online and I have added her website as a permanent link on the right ... Dunstan & Josh's Toga BBQ and Claire's Birthday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Why no blogs for 3 months?

I want more about MrD

mail me - skype me etc..

