Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Are we 'Wi-Fri' ing our brains

This is a really intersting article about 'Electrosmog'... namely the soup of electomagnetic radiation that connects our wireless devices. The industry claims that that the connection with cancer and other ill health effects is unproven but the results of the studies seem to vary depending on who is funding the research!

I for one am going to be keeping my airport (wireless) switched off and my phone away from my heart and groin as much as possible!



sanssoma said...

I wholeheartedly agree with that, although the irony is I am using said medium to contact you.

You only have to listen to that crackle-ackle-ackle the CD player makes when your cellphone rings to wonder what it might be doing to your neurons.

Of course, when you and I met, 15 years ago, just before you went to Cambridge, things were "virtually analogue..."

Hope life is blessing you!

Dunstan said...

Its good to hear from you Saira. What are you up to? Are you still writing? I tried to reply but it says your profile has been deleted...

All the best,
