Friday, January 06, 2006

(my)OPIC bar accused of racist door policy

What do you think of this article (click the link)?
What is your opinion of 'bouncers'?
Do you have any personal experiences?

I'd be interested to see if experiences in the UK are different to Australia

I used to live with a guy who worked as a doorman. This guy had a PhD and had some pretty logical yet innovative ideas on the subject.

More from me once others have expressed their opinions...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm yet to understand why people are surprised by reactions of doormen. Whilst some may be educated, it seems almost an exclusive trait to be either insecure or desperate for attention (perhaps mutually exclusive). The girls shouldn't be surprised - dickheads do exist. It doen't justify the behaviour though.

My six year old son's best friend is Asian. Why do people develop broader predjudice over the years based upon these afroementioned dickheads? I don't know, I'm just glad that their are billions more that are not (based upon one's appearance anyway).

Another point - why limit yourself to one look when there are millions of hotties out there! :-)
