Saturday, September 20, 2008

Save the Murray Darling!

I need your help on this one, there are 2 petitions that I'd like you to sign 'cause I think its a really important cause.
One is through Getup! and the other at
They are both quick and easy and don't ask for much information.

When I went to visit Biggsy and the crew for some TI training up in Cunnamulla there had been some pretty massive rainfall and the river was flowing strong! This amount of water is actually really uncommon and hardly any of it will make it out to sea.

It was quite amazing and also quite humbling to discover that this flow up in Queensland becomes the Darling and joins with the Murray that starts in the Snowy Mountains.

The Murray-Darling Basin covers one seventh of the whole of Australia and meets the ocean at Lake Alexandria which is South of Adelaide and just downriver the town of Murray Bridge. It seems like all the land to the West of the Great Dividing Range in 4 states feeds in. There is a good map here.

Well the problem is that water can be really scarce in Australia and there is a huge strain on supplies. Lack of water in the river system brings death and permanent damage to large ecosystems. Seemingly there are political challenges whereby state governments and other organisations have conflicting interests. If you have 5 minutes to spare and can join me in supporting a worthwhile cause I'd be most grateful.


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