I'd like to say thanks for getting me to the start. Your progs were excellent with lots of emphasis on quality, but helping me through some of my darker times was what made the biggest difference and meant the most to me...I had a really good race - I went in 70% looking to enjoy the experience and 30% hoping for a good result.
I used to be the other way around but Yeppoon taught me an important lesson there...
Swim was fine but nothing special. Bike was mostly good - all of the strength work must have paid off! I was expecting lots of people to ride hard at the start and then blow up on the way home. Riding out to Hawi felt easy but I think I drank too much water for first part of ride. Stomach bloated and the gels weren't going in. On the way back I had some low energy patches so I was the one struggling and getting passed! Strangely enough, most people out there were decent riders. Mental note to self - don't underestimate the other competitors when you are at the World IM champs! Hit the cola at 130km which was good but energy was flicking on and off all the way back, like a car with dodgy carburettor! Last 20k of the ride I gave my stomach a chance to empty and came into town strong.
Took my time in transition, walked into easy jog pace. Felt great for Ali'i drive section of run - form was good and I felt like I had the Ace of Spades up my sleeve. Out to energy lab still felt great but the Ace wasn't there anymore, although I hadn't used it! Lost my form coming back from EL, It turned into a muscular effort but I knew I was on the way home :-) Run nutrition worked well. No flat patch like at Forster 04/05. Last 2km were a HUGE BUZZ. Feeding off the energy of the crowd and just soaking up the finish chute.
Was doing my own thing all day, didn't really race anyone apart from a couple of dudes I overtook in the last 100m. Lots of nice shade along Ali'i and the hat flap worked a treat. Supporters were great. I'm voting for the bikini as the best invention of the century - why do you think I was smiling so much? The event was so much bigger than its competitors and I feel lucky to have been able to be a part of it in 2005.
Not sure what now, I'm really enjoying training 'cause I feel like it at the moment. Looking forward to doing some work on core / technique / flexibility without the pressure of a big race coming up, quite keen on Canberra 1/2.