Well the post ironman celebration dust has finally begun to settle.
I'll be posting my race report and more photos soon :-)
Yesterday was a bit of a washout. Good to take some time out though +
hung out with Renaud and his cool parents in the evening. Watched the
sunset and fell asleep to the sound of the waves breaking! from the
This morning I completed my 3rd checkout in 4 days and then went to
visit this amazingly cool Waldorf elementary (K-8) school. Spent this
morning observing / participating in lessons - I practised walking
along a telegraph pole with a stick balanced on my head and my eyes
closed, in geography I learned about the Hawaiian island chain (did
you know there is a new one forming to the SE of the Big Island?) and
then helped out with some gardening, followed by a pumpkin hunting
session in Spanish. The kids fed me thimble-berries, I helped them to
reach some guavas that were out of reach and we checked a den in the
middle of some giant bamboos! I bought a school T-shirt and the kids
personalised it for me with some funky dolphins, turtles and a
volcano. All in all a very stimulating experience.
Hitched out of town with some interesting characters - a chilled
dude, a vietnam veteran and a local climate expert. We just drove
past South Point and crossed a stark N-S line onto the east side of
the island. It goes from bleak broken lava to lush green over a
couple of metres. A bit drizzly now. I'm now in Naalehu. Population
of 800, 9 churches, 0 pubs and 1 very cool cafe with wireless
internet where I'm sitting now - the old theatre. Also famous for a
tree that Mark Twain planted
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